Pic Says It All..


So Cute !

Give your 100% in a Relationship

A Boy and a Girl were Playing Together,
The Boy had a Collection of Marbles..
and The Girl had some Sweets with Her..!
The Boy told the Girl that;

"he will give her all His Marbles
In Exchange for Her Sweets.."
The Girl Agreed;
The Boy kept the biggest
and the most Beautiful Marble Aside;
and gave the Rest to the Girl..!
But The Girl gave Him all Her Sweets
as She had Promised..
That Night, the Girl Slept Peacefully,
But the Boy couldn't Sleep as He kept Wondering

it,s call a true love

Bf : How r u sweetheart ?
gf : not good
bf : why? what happened?
gf : i have cold
bf :what???how ?
gf :i had ice cream

Waseem Akram getting maried again with Shaniera Thompson

Waseem Akram getting maried again with Shaniera Thompson

PAKISTAN cricket great Wasim Akram is engaged to marry Melbourne woman Shaniera Thompson.
The famed left-arm bowler, 47, proposed on bended knee in their lounge room to Ms Thompson, 30.
“It was the romantic moment of my life because it was so genuine,” she said.
