TOUCHING ♥ A Sweet 18 year old girl asked
Friend What will you gift me on
my 20th
... Birthday.
He replied Still more time to go for your birthday, let your birthday
comes. When 3 days were left for her
then suddenly she felt down &
she has
got hospitalized. After the check up doctor has came out & said to
her family the girl has whole in
her heart
because of that may be she will
die. When she was lying on bed
then she asked for her friend.
Honey what the
doctor said about me whether
i’ll live or die. He replied no you will
never die & he started Crying.
she said how can u say this so confidently ?
Turning back the boy
said :becoz i know .... the next day was the
grl's birth day ..
discharged her form the hospital and
she came to her home.... her mom gave her box with
letter :-
she started reading it.... " my
love. if u are reading this
then it means every thing is ok now...
guess u remember, i told u that
i will giv u gift in ur 20th brth
day.. bt couldn't find a perfet gift for you,
but lastly i am giving my own
heart to u. thats is in that
box :*.. ♥ take care "
the girl started crying ... she
thought ,he must be joking. but she was geting tenstd time
time .. ,, her hands
were shaking ..she went to
open that box .she open the box.and yes
a heart was there... what u guys will say bout it ..??
hit like if u like it..!
TOUCHING ♥ A Sweet 18 year old girl asked
Friend What will you gift me on
my 20th
... Birthday.
He replied Still more time to go for your birthday, let your birthday
comes. When 3 days were left for her
then suddenly she felt down &
she has
got hospitalized. After the check up doctor has came out & said to
her family the girl has whole in
her heart
because of that may be she will
die. When she was lying on bed
then she asked for her friend.
Honey what the
doctor said about me whether
i’ll live or die. He replied no you will
never die & he started Crying.
she said how can u say this so confidently ?
Turning back the boy
said :becoz i know .... the next day was the
grl's birth day ..
discharged her form the hospital and
she came to her home.... her mom gave her box with
letter :-
she started reading it.... " my
love. if u are reading this
then it means every thing is ok now...
guess u remember, i told u that
i will giv u gift in ur 20th brth
day.. bt couldn't find a perfet gift for you,
but lastly i am giving my own
heart to u. thats is in that
box :*.. ♥ take care "
the girl started crying ... she
thought ,he must be joking. but she was geting tenstd time
time .. ,, her hands
were shaking ..she went to
open that box .she open the box.and yes
a heart was there... what u guys will say bout it ..??
hit like if u like it..!